Long-Term SEO
Most people already know what search engine optimization is or have a basic understanding for the term. Even more our SEO experts, right? Joking of course. For those of you that don’t know, search engine optimization is a term used to describe techniques and tactics used to help a website, blog or web page rank get higher visibility in search engines. In simple terms, it is used to increase your Google rankings, among other search engines.
We all want to rank on the first page of Google. Google controls around 68 percent of all search traffic. Search engines such as Yahoo and Bing control 10-12 percent, something in that realm. Today, I wanted to talk about long-term SEO and why your business has to plan for search engine optimization success for the long road.
Google In 2016
SEO is always changing, evolving and we’re always adapting to those changes. Personally, a lot is the same, but SEO is different now than last year, the year prior and so on. When I refer to long-term SEO, obviously I’m talking about white hat SEO strategies and techniques.
Relative Topics, Content And Referring Domains
So far this year, I’ve ran several case studies in regards to relative topics, content and the referring domains sending the backlinks. What I have found is that all 3 are important and when I say these 3 are top ranking factors in Google, that’s an accurate account.
Again, you should be planning for long-term search engine optimization. If you do have an aged domain and established rankings, you should take the time to evaluate your SEO. Take the time to view your link metrics, review your content and any other element of search engine optimization that matters. If you have a new website or blog, you have to establish a foundation for your business. Your main goal should be indexed pages, you can get indexed URLs by writing content and descriptive products if you sell items.
The Value Of Quality Content
I don’t care what you’ve been told by others, throw it out the window. If you’ve been told that content is dead or that content is a waste of time, forget what you’ve heard. You can never go wrong with high quality content. In fact, you should have as much content as possible, but don’t get lazy with it. Every search engine optimization project should include a content campaign, new domains and old domains. There’s a variety of ways that content can help your SEO rankings. If you write quality content, it’s going to benefit you with higher search engine rankings, higher quality links, more traffic and more profit.
It can take 6 months or longer for your content to come full circle, to fall in place where it will rank in the search engines. I’ve seen some content take a full year. Most SEO companies that offer “honest SEO services” will tell you that it takes at least a year for you to see the results that you seek, some up to 18 months. This is a correct evaluation, it does take this long. Many of the websites that rank on top probably have years on you. They have more content, indexed pages, links, higher link values, more diverse anchor text, the list goes on and on. If you plan for short-term search engine optimization, how are you going to see the results of your efforts in a few weeks? Few months? You won’t. You have to hang in there, follow your plan or campaign and plan for long-term results.
Getting Your ROI
If you’re doing your own search engine optimization, you really don’t have to worry about getting your return of investment. Yes, you’re out time and effort, but no money. However, if you’re buying paid links or contracting, you could have additional cost. Short-term SEO will never bring you your ROI. It just won’t. You have to quit expecting to see results in weeks, early months. Again, plan for the long-term. If you quit your SEO or a hired SEO company or freelancer, you’re going to lose progress and momentum. Momentum in search engine optimization is very true. If the SEO stops, you’re going to see a surge in upcoming weeks. Afterward, your rankings will fall. In order for you to get the benefit of SEO and your ROI back, plan for long-term search engine optimization.
SEO Is Only Half The Battle
Over the years, we’ve served a lot of different people and companies. If you’re a SEO yourself, you can relate. How many of you have come across clients that want to make more sales? Very common in our field, right? Most of us would say that you need SEO, sign you on or come to a mutual agreement and begin search engine optimization services. It’s important to know, SEO is used to increase your rankings and traffic. SEO can also increase your profits but only to an extent. Very important to note. Your designed website can also be SEO optimized but it doesn’t guarantee that your products will sell.
For those who sell products, which nearly includes us all, the products itself has a lot to do with what people buy or don’t buy. SEO is not marketing, although in some sense, the two can relate. I only mention this because I know this can become an issue for some search engine optimization experts that don’t know marketing. As a SEO, the best thing you can do is learn marketing and how to sell products. For WordPress and other popular content management systems, a crafty plugin or two can help. A general knowledge in marketing is always important.