The Ultimate Link Building Strategies For Your Business (Infographic)

Gaining online exposure for your business is no small task. You have to account for multiple moving parts like local SEO, organic search, social media, and so on. One tactic you should never forget, though, is link building. While this is something that goes on behind the scenes for the most part, it’s an integral part of any complete SEO strategy.

Today I’m going to show you one of my favorite link building strategies, followed by an infographic that will further enhance your tactics and ultimately your success.

Today’s Top Link Building Strategies (Infographic)

Over at OnBlastBlog, I champion link building because it’s worked for me and it continues to bring new and exciting exposure to my website.

My favorite strategy by far is Brian Dean’s skyscraper technique. This strategy is composed of three simple but incredibly effective steps:

  • Find Content that is worthy of links
  • Create your own content that’s even better
  • Reach out to the proper webmasters and show them your content so they can link to it.


Essentially, you are building on the foundation of content that you know earns links. You have a great starting point and you go from there. You take the best, and you make it better, and up the skyscraper goes.

At the heart of link building, people just want to link to content that is relevant and beneficial to their readers. It’s your job to create that content and put it front of the right people. Let’s take a look at today’s infographic which will show you how to do just that.

Let us know how it helps you in the comments below!



Richard Hale is the Founder of Hale Associations, a company that provides Web Development, SEO and Marketing services globally.