We all have a need to build value and rankings to our online pages. Every page on the internet has a value and that value often determines where you rank that specific page. All of your pages should have short-term and long-term goals. All of your content should have a purpose. In this article, we’re going to teach you how to build value and rankings to any online page.
Online pages are built for a variety of different purposes. This can include any type of content, blog articles, product pages, landing pages, opt-in pages, squeeze pages or a page trying to rank a specific keyword. Your content plays a vital role and the value of that page often determines if you’ll be successful or fail. While we won’t go into great detail about your content converting (as that is a whole other subject) we will discuss all the different ways that you can build the value of your online pages.
Basic SEO For Your Pages
While every webpage is going to have different elements, keywords, opt-ins or conversion tactics, there’s a great need for basic SEO for your pages. Also known as search engine optimization, SEO is used to help your webpages gain visibility in the search engines. It’s a tactic used to build organic traffic, often leading to the best conversion percentage along with email marketing.
There’s a few SEO techniques that all of you need to be aware of in order to get the highest value possible for your page.
- Main keyword in page title
- Main keyword in URL
- Main keyword in headings (H1-H6)
- Main keyword in first paragraph
- Main keyword in content script
- Main keyword phrases in content script
- Internal links to relative content
- Internal links to strong authority websites
- Main keyword in SEO title
- Main keyword in SEO Description
If you don’t know much about SEO or choosing the right keywords for your business, this may be a little confusing. If you’re new to SEO, I would suggest learning how to optimize your content with SEO. Just follow the link and the guide will give you insight to setting your content up using basic SEO.
By applying SEO to your pages, you’ll adding the value the page needs in order to rank and successful. You still have a long way go, but this gives your content the foundation it needs to have the opportunity to build value through the other techniques we’re discussing in this article.
Writing Great Content
Content and SEO are two of the same. You can’t have one without the other. Well, if you want to build your page’s value to rank on the first page and rank with your competition. I’ve been working with SEO for over 8 years and I’ve wrote thousands of articles. One of the best ways to build value to your website is through great content. Let’s define great content.
No matter what niche you’re in, you should make the effort to be a niche leader, industry leader in your respected field. Don’t just write content to get something up new, make a genuine effort to put out the best content you possibly can. On average, first page ranking articles have over 2,600 words. Longer content will usually rank longer and higher. Can your content be shorter? Absolutely, but most importantly, it needs to be useful, informative and creative.
Every niche or market is going to be different, true. Share your knowledge, write the best content you can in your niches. If you start producing high quality content, you’re going to benefit. You have to give your pages the opportunity to rank first page, so make that article the best it can be.
Adding Value To Old Pages
Another thing that you can do to increase the value and rankings of a page is adding new content to older content. This method is very effective. I always suggest writing guides and going in great depth covering the topic in every way possible. Guides are usually long content and very useful. If you find that one of your pages is only reaching the second or third page, not ranking at all, it likely needs more value. Adding more helpful content related to the topic at hand can boost your page value.
Make sure your content has proper sections and headings, titles, sub-titles. You learned this earlier but I want to stress that point. Many readers skim content and look for bold sub-headings or sub-titles. Bullets are another important element in articles. And again, included your keywords and secondary keywords in these sub-headings is also important for page value.
Add A Video To Your Pages
I’m a big fan of videos. For a number of reasons, but a video is another way to increase page value. I like hosting my videos on YouTube, videos rank very well with content. Some SEOs feel that videos rank quicker than content, so imagine having both, …right?
Videos should always be related to your content, or relative to the topic and niche. Most importantly, your video needs to be useful and informative. People appreciate finding content and videos that help them, I know I do. Especially when you’ve been searching for the right answer for hours, days or longer.
Can you add multiple videos on one page? You can. You may want to limit adding too much, it will take the page to load longer. Page speed is a valid concern, important user metric. Some of your pages may only have a video. It just depends on the scenario. The point of the matter, videos can improve page value. Videos tend to convert better, so landing pages often have them.
Images On Your Pages
Images can serve a variety of different purposes on a webpage. Do images add page value? Correct, they do. Multiple images are suggested for your site pages. While images of relative content play a less role, important graphs and screenshots that give the end user value are extremely important. These images are significant to your page, useful, informative and relate with your topic. Having the proper images in your content is very important.
While the search engine bots can’t visually see the images you’re displaying, they can read your ALT Text. This line should be used to accurately describe your picture so the search bot knows what the image represents. Should you use your keywords here? It’s suggested, but it should also accurately represent the picture though. You don’t want to have a picture of an elephant and fill in the ALT Text with the word “cat.” Make sure this text is filled in but represents the pictures correctly.
Some people choose to only add an image or two, others add multiple pictures. If your page content doesn’t have any images, adding pictures can increase the page value. Highly recommended that you do.
Building Internal And Outgoing Links
Links are one of the most important elements of any given page’s value. The links that you have on that page can increase value or decrease value. The link building process can be difficult to grasp, I could write about it for days. So this is just a quick crash course on links and how it adds value to your pages. If you want to learn how links are valued, I suggest you read our guide on link building.
First, let’s discuss building internal links to add value to your pages. Internal links are important, I’m sure you’ve read articles online and see the blue underlined links in the article. These links should be related to the topic of the content, often they are, but should be. The amount of internal links you have in a page depends on the length of that page. Why you don’t want to add too many links to any given page, you should make an opportunity to link to as much internal content as possible. Not only does this add value to your page, it also adds value to the pages you link to.
When you build your internal links, you should use different keywords and phrases. These should be keywords and phrases that you want to rank for. You can start with a handful and add more links later if your page isn’t ranking where you want it. You can also go through old content to add internal links to more recent content. In the process, you’re adding more value to your page and user.
Building Outgoing Links
You can also add value to your page by building outgoing links to other websites. This is a very useful technique. Of course, you have to be careful who you link to because of your partners, competition, ect. Again, make sure your links are relative to the anchor link you use. You don’t want to build outgoing links to just anyone. You should make sure that the website you build links to is a high authority website.
There’s a number of different tools and web metrics used to determine link values of a page or domain. MOZ is probably one of the most common, along with Ahrefs. I use this both, prefer them both. No link tool out there can find all links, despite their claims. Every link has a value and that value can vary. Not only should you be looking at page authority, you should also be looking at domain authority. Look at their URL rank, MOZ rank, compare different metrics. The last thing you want to do is link to a website that is known for spam.
Backlinks To Your Page
Backlinks are still one of the most important web metrics to determine the value of your pages. Backlinks refer to another website linking to your website pages. This is a tricky business. Link building to get backlinks from other websites can increase the value of your pages. I won’t say if it’s right or wrong. It actually depends on what search engine you’re trying to rank in. Read up on link building and understand it. You need to have a clear understanding how backlinks work before you do anything.
Backlinks can be viewed as a trust symbol. When a website links to you, it’s like a vote of trust. There’s two types of backlinks when it comes to value. do follow and no follow. When a website links to you, it passes value from their website to yours. Each link has a different value. If they build a do follow link to your page, your page gets the value of the link. If that site has a high domain authority, the link can be very valuable and increase your page value. A no follow link still adds value but only very little. However, a no follow backlink is better than no backlink at all.
I do know this, if you write great content that is useful, the backlinks can take care of themselves. Most webmasters want to link to the best content possible, so you have to make an effort to write the best content you can. You may also want to consider directories, social bookmarking, partnerships or other link building techniques such as broken link building to get the backlinks you need to build a page’s value.
Social Media Signals And Marketing
Another powerful way to build value to your pages is through social media marketing and social signals. Remember, in 2015, social media signals are among the top SEO ranking factors. Not only that, your social signals for any given page can boost your page authority. You can also read our guide on the top SEO ranking factors for 2015.
SEO and social media marketing work together as one. Social media is becoming more of an influence where your keywords rank. Social media is very powerful and when you build great content, others are more willing to share it with the world. Everything points back to writing great content, content is still king.
There’s a few social media platforms that you want to concentrate on. They are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn. It doesn’t mean that you can’t use other social media platforms, just that the accounts listed above give you more value than any other social platforms online.
Be sure that you’re using social media sharing buttons in your content. That I highly recommend.
In Closing
Remember, when a page is built, it’s still far from being done. You’ll always need to put in the effort to grow the value of that page. Keep going back to check on your page web metrics. The Moz toolbar really helps for this, SEO software as well. If you use these techniques above, you’ll be able to increase the value of your pages and rankings in the search engines.