Facebook Marketing Statistics You Need To Know


Important Facebook Statistics 2014If you’re not marketing on Facebook, you’re missing out on a lot. Quit leaving money on the table, you have to get your Facebook marketing efforts planned, organized and optimized. This should be your plan in all social media marketing strategies. It’s no secret that Facebook is the social marketing platform of the world. Facebook has over 1 billion active users, no other social network comes close. Doesn’t mean that you can’t make money elsewhere, just the fact that Facebook is where the opportunity is.

Proven Facebook Marketing Techniques

Over the years, I’ve met a lot of great people that do great things. Today, I’m going to introduce two awesome resources that you may or may not know. Either way, after today, you’ll know them and they will help your Facebook marketing across the board. Powerful resources. Now, I want to give a special shout out to Mari Smith. Mari is an expert Facebook marketer, we all stand to learn something from her when it comes to Facebook marketing. Mari doesn’t know me but I had the opportunity to watch one of her old webinars on YouTube. You can view her YouTube channel here.

Mari has done many webinars on Facebook, she has written books and spoke publically. If you set down and watch one of her webinars, you’ll walk away with a lifetime of knowledge. Be sure to check out Mari’s YouTube channel. Now, Mari introduced me to an awesome website called Social Bakers. Click here to look at Facebook statistics. Social Bakers collects a ton of useful, informative Facebook stats that are crucial to your Facebook marketing efforts. Be sure to check them out and a big shout out to their founder.

Social Bakers collects information on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn. Social Baker has a ton of free tools and resources. They also have premium resources that I would suggest that you invest in if your a social media marketer.

Our statistic is 171,754,610  This is the sum of fans in “Retail Food.” Interesting, huh. Who would have thought retail food would have the highest number of fans. “Retail” was in a close second with 168,143,366 followed by FMCG Food with 130,530,377. What about 4th? “Beverage” is fourth on the list at 96,918,093 and fashion at 96,663,785 rounds out the top 5. What does this tell you in terms of Facebook marketing? If you’re in these niches, you have plenty of marketing fans and similar interest. Perhaps a few post on food, retail or fashion if you can mix your marketing efforts within your niche. Be creative and test it out, trial and error my friend.

Our second stat is American users male vs. female. This is important to know, right? Especially if you’re in a gender specific niche. Female users on Facebook in America as of 5/14, 53.9 percent. Males are 46.1 percent. Not a huge margin but a statistic that matters. If you market to women, you have an advantage. It’s important to know who your marketing too. If you move to India, the rate is 75 percent male and only 25 percent for females.  Women are also more social then men. Nearly 50 percent of all women on social media platforms visit their social accounts multiple times a day. As for men, you’re looking at around 34 percent.

A decent percentage of all Facebook users check their Facebook account 5 times or more a day. The total, 23 percent. Surprising to me, nearly 48 percent of marketers believe that Facebook is overrated as a legit marketing platform. I’ve seen great success on Facebook, I’ve seen both sides of the street. I know for a fact that this 48 percent, probably over half of them didn’t run their Facebook marketing campaigns correctly. It is also possible that they didn’t run one paid ad.

78 percent of users log in from a mobile phone. This is a huge stat to take notice too. 78 percent of all Facebook users are logging in from a mobile device. If your website is not mobile friendly, your leaving dollars on the table. If your business is not running mobile ads, your missing out on getting your ads to a large audience. Mobile usage is still growing, this can easily surpass 80 percent and beyond. In fact, it is expected to. Make the changes needed and make sure your website is responsive.

Facebook now has 1.28 billion active users. User growth is up 15 percent year to year. This is great growth and even more opportunity for you to cash in on your Facebook marketing efforts. On average, 1 million links are shared on Facebook every 20 minutes. This is a huge amount of links. That is also a lot of competition to deal with. This is why every marketing technique you use on Facebook needs to be properly planned and optimized. I can’t say it enough, trial and error. Test to see what works for your business, keep what works and move on from Facebook marketing techniques that don’t work.

Facebook averages 809 million visits per month. Again, this is a big opportunity for your business to capitalize on the traffic. Surprising to some, this monthly amount is only second on the list. First, no surprise to me is Google+. Google+ leads the social community with 1.2 billion monthly visitors per month on average.

These are just a few of the many Facebook statistics out there that can influence Facebook marketing. The more in tune you are to such measurements, the better results you’re going to likely see. Trends are trends for a reason, stay on top of all the major Facebook statistics as well as all your other social media profiles. Be sure to watch some of Mari’s webinars and check out Social Bakers. Good luck.

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Social Media Marketing On Twitter




Richard Hale is the Founder of Hale Associations, a company that provides Web Development, SEO and Marketing services globally.