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5 Tips for Developing a Mobile App that Users will Love


The world is going mobile

According to Global Web Index, 80% of internet users own a smartphone and all of them have at least 3 apps downloaded on their smart phones.

Mobile technology is not a nice-to have option for businesses anymore, it’s mandatory.

Today’s business is moving beyond mobile-friendly versions and you need something more engaging and appealing to add to your mobile application development.

Here are 5 tips to create a great mobile app that your users will fall in love with.

1. Strategy

It’s important to mention the idea of an app is not a strategy. Start by defining what you’re hoping to achieve with this mobile app (to increase revenue, improve customer experience or make employees more productive).

2. Make your costumer come back

An app that users will love is an app that will keep them engaged, even after the user has downloaded it.

Most of the apps out there are installed, looked at once and then deleted. You need to give your customer a reason to come back.

In order to keep your users engaged, you can use push notification messaging within your app to do just that.

3. Interface and User experience

The first thing that users will see is the interface of the app. Make it user-friendly!

From the screen resolution to colors, themes and buttons, these functions play a key role in how users engage the app. Nobody wants an app that’s difficult to navigate. Keep it user friendly and easy to use.

4. Testing is key

Always test your app before you release it!

Testing your app is priority! In this process, you can discover bugs and repair it before the app is released to the world.

App testing will save you time, money and effort short-term and long-term. Remember, apps are a great way to build your brand, but you don’t want an app released with issues. Always test your app.

5. The app must solve a problem

There’s literally hundreds of thousands of apps on the market, a majority of them are never used. If you want to see success with your app, it has to be useful, helpful or informative. The success of your app will depend on how users “value” it.

The key to success is to have an app that delivers useful benefits to the end user. Users also appreciate an app that’s updated regularly with new features or functionality.

Mobile apps are getting better, faster and time spent on mobile technology continues to grow. If you can follow these 5 tips, your app is going to have a great chance to be successful.




Richard Hale is the Founder of Hale Associations, a company that provides Web Development, SEO and Marketing services globally.